Annual Water Communion

Everyone is invited to bring a small amount of water representing a special place (real or symbolic) on their spiritual journey.

The Water Communion, also sometimes called Water Ceremony, was first used at a Unitarian Universalist (UU) worship service in the 1980s. Participants bring to the service a small amount of water from a place (physical, metaphorical, spiritual) that is special to them. During the appointed time in the service, people one by one pour their water together into a large bowl. As the water is added, the person who brought it tells why this water is special to them. The combined water is symbolic of our shared faith coming from many different sources. 

For those attending in-person: to honor our covenant to each other and recognize our responsibility to care for and protect the most vulnerable among us, face masks are required in the building during Sunday service, vaccinations are strongly encouraged, and everyone must self-screen before attending in-person. Click here for UU Casper Covid-19 policies.

For those attending online, click on “Attend an Online Service” on the main menu for a link to Zoom.