Speaker: Melody Haler

Helpful Hopes, Unhelpful Expectations

The inspiration for my presentation today on “Healthy Hopes, Unhealthy Expectations,” came from recent reflections upon my past and current life. I have often revisited difficult decisions I made during my youth and young adulthood, sometimes wishing I would have chosen differently. Although fortunately not … read more.

“The Convergence of Nature and Spirit on Life’s Journey”

The service features presentations by members and friends about those times when their personal spiritual journeys have converged with nature. Melody Haler, service leader.

Jayne Jacobs:

Young adulthood is a time of self discovery. In piecing together this presentation, I realized that nature, along with my experiences in nature, serve … read more.

Privatio Boni: The Question of Good and Evil

According to the principle of privatio boni (Latin), evil has no existence on its own, but is simply the absence of good. We live in a world of opposites, where anything can quicky be judged one way or another. Our thought processes are primarily scientific and often two-dimensional. This topic explores another perspective on logically defined opposites such as good and evil, light and darkness. Click on the service title for a link to the full text of Jayne Jacob’s presentation.