To the UU Casper beloved community: We wish you health, love and compassion, as we continually search for ways to be alone, together. Here is what’s happening at UU Casper:
Online Services! Last weekend we live streamed the Saturday Ostara Ritual and Sunday’s service online in our new Zoom meeting room with more than 50 people attending! Reverend Kee’s message was on of comfort and hope It was so wonderful to have people attend from all over, including many UUs from the UU Fellowship of Laramie. The March 29th 10 am Sunday Service, “Possibilities Arising from Faith,” will be led by Reverend Kee and others. Venturing further into the world of Zoom technology, this service will include a discussion forum using Zoom breakout rooms and be followed by virtual coffee hour! The service will be held in the UU Casper Zoom meeting room, ID number 459 187 0381. (UPDATE 4/4/2020: TO ADDRESS SECURITY ISSUES, ZOOM NOW REQUIRES A PASSWORD TO ENTER ZOOM MEETINGS! THE PASSWORD WILL BE IN YOUR LATEST GROUP EMAIL FROM UU CASPER OR UU LARAMIE. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THAT, CLICK ON “ATTEND AN ONLINE SERVICE” ON THE MAIN MENU AT UUCASPER.ORG. THAT PAGE WILL LIST TWO PHONE NUMBERS YOU CAN CALL TO OBTAIN THE PASSWORD.)
For a link to the meeting, or if you need technical help with Zoom, click here. See you Sunday!
Thursday 10 am Coffee and Conversation: Beginning tomorrow March 26th, UU Casper will host “Coffee and Conversation” at 10 am each Thursday, in the UU Casper Zoom Meeting Room, ID number 459 187 0381. Everyone is welcome to come in, connect with each other, share what’s on your heart, and find out what’s happening at UU Casper. Join in, and we’ll see where the conversation takes us! Again, please reach out for tech help if needed!
Other Online Events and Meetings: The Zoom meeting room will also be used for other online events, such as Meditation Group on Tuesdays at 6:30 pm, and the Building Your Own Theology classes (restarting April 1st at 7 pm), and is also available for Board of Trustees and committee meetings.
UU Casper Postponements:
- March 18th Building Your Own Theology class – postponed until Wednesday, April 1st, 7 pm (in the UU Casper Zoom meeting room, ID number 459 187 0381).
- March 29th Lunch with TED – postponed until Sunday, April 26th, noon.
- March 30th Book Club discussion – postponed until Monday, April 27th, 6:30 pm.
Email hack of ☹ ! Sadly, the email address has been hacked, so please do not open any email you might have received from this email, even if it shows Reverend Kee’s name and photo. Rev. Kee wants everyone to know that this email ( is for social media inquiries only, and she does not use this email to interact with UU Casper members and friends. Legitimate email from Reverend Kee will come only from
UU Casper Eco-Action Challenge! The UU Casper worship theme for April is “Care of the Earth.” Earth Day is April 22nd, but we don’t have to wait to make a great impact locally. We’re calling it the UU Eco Action Challenge! While we are keeping our distance from friends and neighbors, we can still get out of the house and clean up our neighborhoods. Lots of trash has blown around during the winter. So, when you are out for a walk, please pick up some trash. Although the city is currently not recycling, if you are able to store aluminum cans and plastic bottles, hang onto them for future recycling. Remember to bag your trash to it does not blow around. Janet deVries and Leanne Woodfill have already picked up 3 garbage bags full in their neighborhood near the Fairgrounds. Questions or suggestions for other eco-actions? Email
UU Casper Care Circle keeping our community connected: Under the guidance of Reverend Kee, the UU Casper Care Circle continues to contact members and friends to ask how everyone is doing and how we can help. Care Circle volunteers are also sharing information about the upcoming online services and programs and finding out who needs technical assistance. If you are in a non-high-risk group and have time to help out occasionally for things like picking up and delivering groceries, meals or prescriptions, please contact Reverend Kee, or email Let us help one another!
Donating to UU Casper: UU Casper is entirely supported through the generosity of our members and friends. During this time of meeting online (which makes it tough to hold a Sunday offering!) we offer alternative ways to support UU Casper financially:
- Donate by check sent to UU Casper at 1040 West 15th Street, Casper, WY 82604. Please add a notation to your check if you would like to designate your donation for something other than general operations, like the Patrick (Building) Fund, or the Minister’s Discretionary Fund, which is administered by Reverend Kee and is available to help those in our community facing financial challenges during this difficult time.
- Donate online! Click on Donate on the main menu and follow the instructions provided. The donations page includes a link to a online donations tutorial. You can donate using a credit or debit card, or through your Paypal account, and you can designate your donation for the operating fund (typical donations), or other funds like the Patrick (Building) Fund or the Minister’s Discretionary Fund. We are experiencing occasional start-up glitches, so if you have any problems please contact Treasurer Laura Gossman at If you prefer, you may go to your Paypal App/account and donate using our email address
As always, all donations and donor information are kept confidential.
Let us be here for each other, in whatever way is possible in this new world. If you have any questions or concerns, or just feeling the need to connect, please reach out to Reverend Kee or any of the UU Casper Trustees.
In the words of UU minister Reverend Florence Caplow:
May each of us stay well and whole
May each of us find our ground of strength and clarity
May each of us let our hearts break open to new ways of caring for our neighbor as ourselves
May each of us know, even if we are alone, that we are held in a great embrace of love
With Love,
Reverend Leslie Kee and the UU Casper Board of Trustees