Category: News

Keep up-to-date with the Unitarian Universalist Community of Casper by reading our news blog posts below. Subscribe to our weekly e-mail newsletter or follow our social media (Facebook and Instagram) to stay connected. Visitors and friends are welcome every Sunday and at our public events. We’d love to see you!

Congregational Message from President Cindy Wright

Dear UU Casper Congregation,

The flaming chalice symbol of Unitarian Universalism was inspired by the holy oil burning chalices that the Greeks and Romans put on their altars. The holy oil burning inside the chalice represents helpfulness and sacrifice. The symbol originated as a seal that … read more.

Online New Year’s Eve Sümbel this Friday!

Megan and Damion Jessup are inviting us to join their family’s personal Ásatrú Sümbel celebration. Megan, along with the help of Cindy Wright and Elizabeth Jo Otto will lead the family in honoring/celebrating our selves and our accomplishments over the year (Did we meet our … read more.

September 11th Anniversary Prayer, by John Saxon

This day is simply one more day on the calendar. The eleventh day of September. Another beautiful, sunny day on the cusp between summer and fall.

And yet, this day, September 11th, will never be just another day on the calendar as we remember that beautiful, … read more.