Congregational Planning Discussion

Date(s) - March 24, 2019
11:45 am - 1:15 pm

The UU Casper Board of Trustees invites all members and friends to join in a discussion about UU Casper’s future on March 24th after the service, beginning at 11:45 am.

Among other things, the Board of Trustees is responsible for planning and goal setting, managing our finances and creating spending priorities. The Trustees take these responsibilities very seriously, and we know we can make WAY better decisions with input from all of you. The Board would like your input on not just what we want to accomplish next year, but looking further down the road. And to make sure we’re on the right road and going the right direction, we’ll ask some important questions – like what do you want UU Casper to be known for? What do you value about UU Casper? What do you see as UU Casper’s role in the wider community? How is UU Casper different from other churches, or from other non-profits? What will make UU Casper relevant in tomorrow’s world?

For more information, call Board. Pres. Laura G. at 307-259-4469, or email See you there!