Date(s) - July 28, 2019
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
For those curious folks interested in a deeper and broader exploration of science, technology, culture, and our changing world, UU Casper is launching a new program called “Lunch With TED.” At noon bring a sack lunch to eat while we watch a 20 minute TED Talk video and participate in a facilitated discussion. This month we’ll view Emma Marris presenting “Nature is Everywhere.”
“How do you define “nature?” If we define it as that which is untouched by humans, then we won’t have any left, says environmental writer Emma Marris. She urges us to consider a new definition of nature — one that includes not only pristine wilderness but also the untended patches of plants growing in urban spaces — and encourages us to bring our children out to touch and tinker with it, so that one day they might love and protect it.” Click here for a link to this TED Talk.
TED is a nonprofit organization begun in 1984 and is devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less). The project began as a type of conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged, and today, TED Talks cover a wide and interesting range of topics — from science to business to humanity relations. Find out more at
UU Casper’s plan is to rotate the facilitators who choose the video and the facilitate the discussion each month. If you would like to facilitate a Lunch with TED, or would like more information, please email