Spring: A New Cycle Begins

Megan Jessup and Elizabeth Jo Otto will share about the energies and themes of spring from an Earth-based spirituality perspective and lead a hands-on activity utilizing these energies and themes. Supplies will be provided for those attending in person. For our siblings joining us on Zoom wishing to participate, the supplies are: 1 egg shell ½ (or biodegradable container), small amount of soil, and a few flower seeds (or any you prefer). If obtaining these are difficult for you in any way, email programs@uucasper.org.

Ritual worksheets:

Covid-19 policies have been suspended while Natrona County’s risk level is low, so mask wearing is optional. We support each person’s choice to wear a mask or not and trust that we will all treat one another with kindness and respect.

For those attending online, click here for a link to Zoom.