This unusual Sunday service incorporated UU Casper’s Annual Congregational meeting. The service was light-hearted and joyous in theme of the “Zoombee Awards,” inspired by the Golden Globes and other awards shows. The children of the Religious Exploration program presented a short skit “Pirates of the Platte,” and we’ enjoyed an original song the “UU Casper ‘rona rap” by the UU Kru, BADASS BAILEY AKA Jim Bailey, ‘PICKLE JAR’ AKA Angel “Sam” Ponce, & “TDOMZ” AKA Tammy Dominguez.
UU Casper ‘rona rap, by the UU Kru, BADASS BAILEY AKA Jim Bailey, ‘PICKLE JAR’ AKA Angel “Sam” Ponce, & “TDOMZ” AKA Tammy Dominguez, for UU Casper’s June 2021 Annual Congregational Meeting and Zoombee Awards. With permission. All rights reserved.