
We welcome and affirm people of all abilities. We have taken the following steps to assure that no one is excluded for full participation in the life of our church.
MOBILITY: Our sanctuary is fully accessible to those using wheelchairs or having limited mobility, and we have a private, wheelchair accessible, gender-neutral bathroom.
SPECIAL NEEDS CHILDREN: If you want your child to participate in the religious exploration program and feel that they may require special accommodation due to learning disabilities or behavioral issues, please contact our Religious Exploration Committee chairperson in advance so the best possible arrangements can be made.
PASTORAL CARE: We provide pastoral care to all members regardless of ability. If you have a hidden disability that you think it’s important for someone to know, please contact to share your information in confidence.
SERVICE ANIMALS: We have grassy areas where service animals may relieve themselves.
If you have any questions not answered or concerns not addressed, please contact us.