Mission and vision

One way the ‘UUs’ of Casper and, indeed many UUs living in Wyoming, understand themselves is as free-thinkers and spiritual-seekers.
Along with several important theological differences, Unitarian Universalism is a free religion in the sense we are free of a doctrine which tells adherents what to believe. Instead, our faith tradition is organized around a set of affirmations which inform how we understand ourselves, individually and collectively. For example, the best starting point for right relationship is believing in the inherent worth and dignity of every person.
At the heart of our collective affirmations is freedom. Unitarian Universalists value the intellectual and spiritual freedom it takes to find and then journey on a spiritual path which fits each one of us. Putting faith in the amazing power of human ingenuity, compassion, forgiveness, imagination, and, of course – love, is a life-long and challenging endeavor. So to belong to a church – a community of like-minded folks – is to include in your spiritual practice a place of welcome, affirmation, and inspiration!
Since purchasing and moving into our own church home, so many opportunities to put our faith into action have been opened up. But most importantly, the invitation to visit and maybe stay awhile is more visible than ever.
If you are someone who believes creating the beloved community here on earth is possible because humans are inherently good, ingenious, creative, and loving; and if you understand that outdated religious beliefs can evolve and mature so the strands we weave into the fabric of our lives can be intellectually relevant and spiritually vibrant – then the Unitarian Universalist Community of Casper may be a good fit!
You have a standing invitation to join a Sunday morning service, check out the children’s Religious Exploration program, share your own story, ask questions, and maybe stay awhile! No matter who you are, where your spiritual and religious journey has been – you are welcome!