January’s book is There There, by Tommy Orange. Discussion will be held online on the last Monday of the month, January 25th, 6:30 pm, Zoom Meeting ID 459 187 0381. Click here for directions on how to obtain the password to the meeting. Email news@uucasper.org to request … read more.
Because of Covid-19, there will be no downtown march or in-person program this year. January 2021’s activities celebrating the legacy of Dr. King, hosted by ServeWyoming, include a virtual program, launch of the Casper Freedom Trail project (more below), collection of donations for people challenged … read more.
The UU Casper and UU Laramie programming committees are changing up the structure of our collaborative online Sunday services. The first two Sundays of each month will continue to be joint 10 am UU Casper/UU Laramie services led by Reverend Kee and held in the … read more.
Great news! On the eve of the Winter Solstice 2020, the Casper Freethinkers became part of the Unitarian Universalist Community of Casper. Thanks to everyone who worked to bring this union together.
The Freethinkers is a science, objective reality, logic, empirical knowledge organization. It is made up … read more.
December’s book is “Sister” by Rosamund Lupton. Discussion will be held on the last Monday of the month, December 28th, 6:30 pm, Zoom Meeting ID 459 187 0381. Click here for directions on how to obtain the password to the meeting. Email info@uucasper.org or call Laura … read more.
The UU Casper and UU Laramie programming committees are changing up the structure of our collaborative online Sunday services. The first two Sundays of each month will continue to be joint 10 am UU Casper/UU Laramie services led by Reverend Kee and held in the … read more.
UU Casper is donating $300 to our current “Share the Plate” local non-profit, Food for Thought, to help feed our Natrona County kids and their families over the holidays. Please consider donating to this effort! Go to wyomingfoodforthoughtproject.com for more information, volunteer opportunities, or … read more.
In the words of UUA Pres. Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray, “There are many, many ways that we can connect in gratitude and celebrate the abundance of the Fall harvest as a community without celebrating an ahistorical colonial origin story. This year, let us be grateful … read more.
We are all missing the joy of being together physically during this challenging time of pandemic and social distancing. To help our members and friends reach out to each other and share their love and compassion for everyone in our beloved community, you are invited … read more.
November’s book is I am Malala, by Malala Yousafzai. Discussion will be held on the last Monday of the month, November 30th, 6:30 pm, Zoom Meeting ID 459 187 0381. Click here for directions on how to obtain the password to the meeting. Email info@uucasper.org … read more.