Maypole dance event in Casper, Wyoming. Find more Unitarian Universalist events in Casper, Wyoming on this page,
Maypole Dance, 2019, at Unitarian Universalist Community of Casper
Photo credit: Bob Carlson

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Date(s) - November 12, 2023
11:45 am - 12:45 pm
UU Casper Sanctuary
1040 W. 15th Street
Casper, WY 82604

Our Vision Quest is intended be an opportunity for each of us to think about, and share with others, a vision for the future of our Casper UU community. It will be an informal discussion on Sunday, once a month after coffee. One of the distinct characteristics of our Unitarian Universalist spiritual practice is that unlike many religions, we do not have a creed, which itself is a declaration of religious belief.
We do however recite together these words at our weekly service:

Unison Covenant
Love is the spirit of this church and service its cause.
This is our great covenant: To dwell together in peace,
To seek truth in love, and to help one another.
James Vila Blake (adapted)

Some people have a problem with the word “church” but that reflects Unitarian Minister, James Villa Blake’s original words, from 1894. One way or the other our Vision Quest may help us in our aspiration, to dwell together in peace, to seek truth in love, and to help one another!

Contact Vice President of the Board of Trustees, Stuart J Mackenzie, if you have questions!