Care Circle and Pastoral Care Brainstorming Session

Date(s) - October 1, 2023
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
UU Casper Meeting Room
1040 W. 15th Street
Casper, WY

Liaisons from the Board of Trustees, Jayne Jacobs and Elizabeth Jo Otto, will be leading a brainstorming session for developing our pastoral care program, likely to be led by the Care Circle. Tomorrow’s Care Circle could look different from yesterday’s.

These are our main objectives:

  1. Determine which types of pastoral care our UU Casper volunteers are capable of providing.
  2. Determine which types of pastoral we will direct people to get elsewhere (from partner organizations and ministers).
  3. Organize a list of potential partners to direct people to for pastoral care. We will also choose who will follow up and establish a relationship with potential partners.
  4. Decide on the process to organize all of the gathered information so that it is accessible to Care Circle volunteers and the Board of Trustees.

To be decided at future work sessions: exact methods of carrying out these tasks. Please consider bringing a printed list of your ideas to give to Elizabeth and Jayne, in case there is not time to talk about all of them.

Whether you are interested in being part of the Care Circle or an occasional volunteer who can lend their skills and time, please join us.

All UU Casper members and friends committed to the UU Casper Mission Statement and  Leadership Covenant are invited to attend!

Board of Trustees Meeting

Date(s) - October 1, 2023
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
UU Casper Meeting Room
1040 W. 15th Street
Casper, WY

Regular board meetings are on the first Sunday of each month, at 12:00 pm.

All UU Casper members and friends committed to the UU Casper Mission Statement and  Leadership Covenant are invited to attend! For more information about the board of trustees, or if you would like to get involved, contact any trustee or email To request that an item be added to the agenda, contact the board President.

Leadership Team

Board Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Agendas