First Annual UU Family Campout

Date(s) - July 7, 2023 - July 9, 2023
11:00 am - 10:00 am
Hettinger Family Campground
Bighorn National Forest, Hettinger Park Rd
Buffalo, WY 82834
Categories No Categories

This will be a family-friendly, fun campout for UU Casper, other regional UU congregations, and UU Casper’s allies. The emphasis is on building connections and encouraging joy & celebration. The Hettinger Family Campground, 14.5 miles west of Buffalo, Wy has been reserved for the purpose of this campout. The campground can support up to 150 people. Tie Hack Reservoir and several creeks are nearby. There are numerous hiking trails in the area.

UU Casper would like to provide one dinner meal for everyone and allow everyone to feed themselves for the rest of the weekend. Please contact for more information or follow this link to RSVP for the event.


(UU Casper has had campouts before, but it has been a number of years since we’ve had one. We hope to make this a tradition!)