Monday Opportunity – Annual Leadership Retreat

Date(s) - October 10, 2022
12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Categories No Categories

Annual Leadership Retreat – October 10 is a Monday holiday, so if you are available, please consider participating this year.
The Pacific Western Region’s Small Congregations Specialist (and our staff liaison), the Rev. Sarah Schurr will be in Casper to facilitate this discussion from 12: 00 – 5:00. Lunch will be served and the discussion will help bring some ideas and energy into what we as a family-sized UU congregation can do for ourselves as we move into a future that looks and feels different than the pre-pandemic times.
UU Casper belongs to all of us and so to include everyone’s energy, ideas, and dreams only makes sense. So please mark your calendar: Monday, October 10, 12:00-1:00 lunch and 1:00 5:00 retreat, at the church.