Date(s) - September 27, 2020
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
For those curious folks interested in a deeper and broader exploration of science, technology, culture, and our changing world, UU Casper hosts “Lunch With TED” the last Sunday of each month at noon (currently online). Bring a sack lunch to eat while we watch a TED Talk video and participate in a facilitated discussion. September’s TED Talk is “Ethics in a Meat-free World” by Philip Wollen, and the discussion will be facilitated by Gary Mitchell.
Join us in the UU Casper Zoom room 459 187 0381. For security purposes, Zoom events now require a password. Click here for more information on how to attend and how to obtain the password.
During our first Lunch With TED, we adopted a covenant that describes how we intend to be together and treat each other during our gatherings.
We value diversity and inclusion, learning, community and each other individually. Therefore:
- We shall honor the diversity of thought and feeling among us,
- We shall allow space for everyone who wishes to speak
- We shall be attentive listeners and not interrupt each other
- We shall keep comments brief and on point
- We shall comply with time limits and be gracious to time keepers
- We shall approach topics/discussions with curiosity
- We shall not judge others by what they say.
Some TED Talk topics and ideas may be controversial or reflect biases of the speaker. UU Casper does not endorse the topics, ideas and attitudes expressed in the TED Talk, which serve as a starting point for learning and discussion.
Discussion format
During the first round of the discussion, each person’s comments will be limited to two minutes. Please wait for the microphone before beginning your comments. While a person is sharing, others shall not interrupt, ask questions, or offer rebuttals. After everyone who would like to speak has done so, we’ll continue into a second round of discussion, either staying on the same question or going on to a new question – whatever the group prefers.
It might be helpful to take some notes to refer to when you again have an opportunity to share. The two-minute time limit will continue to apply during each successive round of discussion to make sure all of those who wish to share have plenty of opportunity to do so within our one-hour time frame. Those who would like to continue the discussion are invited to stay after.
General Questions (Alternatively, the facilitator may present questions specific to the TED talk):
- Do you agree or disagree with the content? Why or why not?
- What did you learn?
- Do you have an experience related to this video you wish to share?
- Do you have personal knowledge related to this talk?
- How is this connected to the UU principles and sources? How does it relate?
- How does this personally affect you?
- Is there a call to action?