First Annual UU Family Campout

Date: Friday July 7, 2023 at 11 am to Sunday, July 9, 2023 at 10 am.

Location: Hettinger Family Campground, 14.5 miles west of Buffalo, Wy

RVSP via this link

On March 5th, the Board approved the creation of an ad hoc committee to plan a family-friendly, fun campout for UU Casper, other regional UU congregations, and UU Casper’s allies. The emphasis is on building connections and encouraging joy & celebration. Tie Hack Reservoir and several creeks are nearby. There are numerous hiking trails in the area.

We would like to provide one dinner meal for everyone and allow everyone to feed themselves for the rest of the weekend. There are cabins nearby at South Fork that individuals can reserve for themselves if camping is not preferred.

You are invited! Contact Cindy Wright or Annette Grochowski to find out more and to volunteer to help. Please RSVP if you plan to attend by either contacting Annette and Cindy or filling out the form you can find through this link.

Tentative Schedule

Day 1 (Friday, July 7)
11 am: Campground check-in
1 pm: Ice breaker games
2 pm: Craft activities for children and facilitated discussion for adults
4 pm: Free time: visiting, swimming at Tie Hack Reservoir, etc.
7 pm: Conversation and group songs around the campfire

Day 2 (Saturday, July 8)
9 am: Morning yoga
11 am: Fun and games
1 pm: Hike or swimming at Tie Hack Reservoir
6 pm: Communal dinner
7 pm: Conversation and group songs around the campfire

Day 3 (Sunday, July 9)
9 am: Sunday Service
10 am: Campground check-out

(UU Casper has had campouts before, but it has been a number of years since we’ve had one. We hope to make this a tradition!)