Continuing with May’s theme, Trust, Gary Mitchell and Cindy Wright will be showing the TED Talk video, How to build (and rebuild) trust by Frances Frei ( and leading a facilitated discussion. Please bring your thinking caps and prepare to add to the discussion.
Click on “Attend an Online Service” on the main menu for information about how to join the service on Zoom. Everyone is welcome!
Following are a few of the expected discussion questions to get you started:
▪ Frances believes Trust is the foundation for everything, but is not truth and understanding more important. What are your thoughts?
▪ How important is redemption in trust?
▪ Do you agree with the 3 component parts of trust; Authenticity, Logic and Empathy?
▪ Can you; look up, look right at people, listen to them, immersing yourself in their perspectives and collaborate in unprecedented ways?