Archives: Services

Midsummer Ritual

Attend this “dual” service in person, or on Zoom. The ritual portion of the service will be held outdoors on the lawn. Click on the service title above for Zoom instructions. Everyone is welcome!

New Member Service, followed by Annual Congregational Meeting

The service will be followed by the Annual Congregational Meeting. To welcome our new members and assure a quorum, all members are encouraged to attend. We will share the plate with the James J. Reeb Memorial Scholarship Fund at Casper College. Attend in person, or on Zoom. Click on the service title above for more information and Zoom instructions. Everyone is welcome!

Woven in a Single Garment of Destiny

This UUA video worship service explores and celebrates hallmarks of our UU theology. We make promises about how to be together, and how to be in the world. We also fall short of honoring those promises, inviting us to repair and strengthen the strands of community. Attend this “dual” service in person, or on Zoom. Click on the service title above for more information and Zoom instructions. Everyone is welcome!

Exploring Our Connections

Attend this “dual” service in person, or on Zoom. Click on the service title above for Zoom instructions. Everyone is welcome!

Spring: A New Cycle Begins

Attend this “dual” service in person, or on Zoom. Megan Jessup and Elizabeth Jo Otto will share about the energies and themes of spring from an Earth-based spirituality perspective and lead a hands-on activity utilizing these energies and themes. Click on the service title above for a supplies list for Zoom participants and Zoom instructions. Everyone is welcome!

Threads of Community

Weaving has long been used as a metaphor to symbolize fate, community, and even the fabric of space-time. What are the binding threads of community? Why bother to weave a cloth of fellowship? Where does spirituality appear in this tapestry? Service leader Cindy Wright will attempt to “tie” these metaphors to reality. Attend this “dual” service in person, or on Zoom. Click on the service title above for Covid-19 policies and Zoom instructions. Everyone is welcome!

Discussion Forum: “Looking Back”

We will discuss how myth and folk tales connect us to our ancestors, what that means to each of us, and how that can yield meaning and comfort in the present time. Attend this “dual” service in person, or on Zoom. Click on the service title above for Covid-19 policies and Zoom instructions. Everyone is welcome!