Archives: Services

Care N’ Share Service: Celebrating Seton House

Join us in in learning about and celebrating the work of Seton House, our quarterly Care N Share program non-profit. Our UU Casper membership committee will co-lead this service along with guest Deanna Frey, executive director of Seton House. Seton House supports single-parent families in their journey to independence. It’s all about empowerment! “The move a family makes into their new apartment is the first step on the journey to a new life. While the apartment provides stability and foundation a one-on-one case management allows these families to then develop a clear and distinct path towards self-sufficiency.” Find out more at

This is a “Share the Plate” Sunday, where un-designated cash collected during the offering will be donated by UU Casper to Seton House, and participants are also welcome to make donations directly to Seton House by check. Also, through March we will be collecting donations of new or gently used household items to donate to Seton House. Some suggested items include cereal, cleaning products, mops, towels, twin-size sheets, and kitchenware and utensils.

The Five Big Theological Questions for Everyone

UU Sheridan member and UUA Mountain District Board President Victor Ashear summarizes and shares his personal beliefs about the five big theological questions “…as a way to evaluate where many UU’s stand now theologically compared to other faiths…”: 1. Who am I? 2. How do I know (what I know)? 3. Who or what is in charge (of the universe)? 4. What is my purpose in life (or How am I saved)? and 5. What does my death mean? Click on the service title for the full text.

Annual Burning Bowl Service

Don Benson will lead the annual UU Casper Burning Bowl service, a ritual to bid farewell to the old year, and welcome the new: reflecting on and releasing the areas of our lives that no longer serve our highest good: we look forward, creating goals that will advance our journey in the coming year.

During this ritual, all are invited to write down on a piece of paper what they wish to release from the past year. They then come forward to burn the paper as an act of symbolic farewell. Participants will then write down their wishes for their lives in the new year, and place wishes in sealed, self-addressed envelopes, which will be kept private, then mailed to everyone during the summer of 2018.

Discussion Forum on the Monthly Worship Theme “Letting Go/Surrender”

Debra Park will lead this discussion forum service on the monthly worship theme “Letting Go/Surrender.”

Everyone is encouraged to bring a can of soup or other non-perishable food items to donate to Food for Thought to help fill weekend food bags distributed to school children in Natrona County.

Religious Exploration Program Holiday Service

The children and youth of the UU Casper religious exploration program will lead this holiday service.

Everyone is encouraged to bring a can of soup or other non-perishable food items to donate to Food for Thought to help fill weekend food bags distributed to school children in Natrona County.

Let it go… (say what?!)

Everyone is encouraged to bring a can of soup or other non-perishable food items to donate to Food for Thought to help fill weekend food bags distributed to school children in Natrona County.