Join us in in learning about and celebrating the work of Seton House, our quarterly Care N Share program non-profit. Our UU Casper membership committee will co-lead this service along with guest Deanna Frey, executive director of Seton House. Seton House supports single-parent families in their journey to independence. It’s all about empowerment! “The move a family makes into their new apartment is the first step on the journey to a new life. While the apartment provides stability and foundation a one-on-one case management allows these families to then develop a clear and distinct path towards self-sufficiency.” Find out more at
This is a “Share the Plate” Sunday, where un-designated cash collected during the offering will be donated by UU Casper to Seton House, and participants are also welcome to make donations directly to Seton House by check. Also, through March we will be collecting donations of new or gently used household items to donate to Seton House. Some suggested items include cereal, cleaning products, mops, towels, twin-size sheets, and kitchenware and utensils.