Archives: Services

Does the Arc of the Universe Bend Toward Justice?

Theodore Parker, 19th century Unitarian minister, preached that the arc of the moral universe bends toward justice, and Dr. Martin Luther King often repeated this claim during his sermons. But who or what makes it bend?

This service discusses the book “The Moral Arc: How Science … read more.

Roads Less Traveled

Music, psychology, and spirituality come together in an exploration of how human experience is shaped. We explore how mindful awareness can create a positive difference in our connections. Click on the link for the full text of Jayne Jacobs’ presentation.

Non-Binary Gender Roles in the Service of the Divine Feminine

A presentation of the spiritual roots, connections and empowerments of three non-binary gender identifying communities selected from historical and contemporary sources.  Held in conjunction with UU Casper Social Justice Group sponsorship and participation in Casper Pride 2019. Click on the link to access the Slides presented during the service.

Looking for Rainbows

Each rainbow is unique based on the perspective it is viewed from. A covenant is a promise, often sealed with a symbol, tradition, or practice. The rituals can be powerfully indicative of a society’s and an individual’s relationship with faith. Click on the link for the text of Jayne Jacobs’ presentation.

Childcare and youth programming are available during the service, and refreshments and conversation follow. Everyone is welcome!

Privatio Boni: The Question of Good and Evil

According to the principle of privatio boni (Latin), evil has no existence on its own, but is simply the absence of good. We live in a world of opposites, where anything can quicky be judged one way or another. Our thought processes are primarily scientific and often two-dimensional. This topic explores another perspective on logically defined opposites such as good and evil, light and darkness. Click on the service title for a link to the full text of Jayne Jacob’s presentation.