Speaker: Annette Grochowski

Online Sunday Service: Earth Lessons-Are We Paying Attention?

Ah, the lessons we can learn from our amazing Earth! But are we paying attention? We’ll listen to Earth’s lessons through word and song, and share what we have learned. Kody Allen of Joshua’s Storehouse will be joining us! Go to “Attend an Online Service” on the uucasper.org main menu for information about how attend. Everyone is welcome!

Discussion Forum Sunday: “Change”

Annette Grochowski will lead a discussion forum on the monthly worship theme “Change.” Youth programming and childcare are available, and conversation and refreshments follow the service. Everyone is welcome!

Waters of Faith – Valuing Diversity Through the Divine Feminine

Guest speaker Libby Tedder Hugus joins us again, this time with an autobiographical reflection on how becoming a mother has connected her to the well-watered-womb of the divine. Can holding space for the divine-feminine; just like a mother holds physical space for her child, help us to value diversity in greater capacity? Youth programming and childcare are available, and conversation and refreshments follow the service. Everyone is welcome!

Annual Water Communion Service

Waters of adventure, waters of peace, waters of joy, waters of struggle, waters of hope.Those who wish to are asked to bring water from (or symbolizing) a special place they have visited during their recent physical or spiritual journeys. The water will be poured into a common bowl to symbolize diversity and unity, and to celebrate coming together in a sharing, loving community. The RE kids will stay in for this service. Childcare is available during the service. Everyone is welcome!