Speaker: Richard Turner

Our Own Worth and Dignity

The Seven Principles of UU unfold in order, from the individual {worth and dignity of every person} to the universal {interdependent web of all existence}. As we ponder our own worth and dignity, we may find a pathway to embracing the worth and dignity of … read more.

Self Forgiveness

UU is about acceptance of one another and a willingness to forgive each other. One pathway to forgiveness involves forgiving ourselves, owning our mistake, vowing to not repeat the mistake, and seeking forgiveness from those we have wronged. For many of us, forgiving others is … read more.

The Interdependent Web of Justice

The quotation attributed to Edmund Burke, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing,” tells us that there are no sidelines in the quest for justice, and injustice is always our business. Our interdependence as human beings … read more.