Archives: Services

Poetry in Summer

Thomas Hardy said “Poetry is emotion put into measure.” Everyone is encouraged to bring a favorite poem to share – your own or a poem from a favorite poet. Childcare and youth programming are available during the service, and refreshments and conversation follow. Everyone is welcome!


Humans are social animals: We crave feeling supported, valued and connected. Sometimes connection is a heart-to-heart, spill-it-all-out talk. But sometimes it’s just a laugh-out-loud e-mail. Connection is universal human need – let’s do it! Childcare and youth programming are available during the service, and refreshments and conversation follow. Everyone is welcome!

Special Saturday Earth Centered Service: Lughnasadh – Beginning the Harvest

This special Saturday earth-centered service will be held at Crimson Dawn Park on Casper Mountain.   We’ll enjoy a guided tour of Crimson Dawn museum followed by a potluck picnic dinner and sage gathering activity.  Athne Machdane will be our service leader.  Bring a dish to share, and remember to bring water and a small basket or container for sage sprigs.  No glass containers, alcohol or smoking, pets must be leashed. Great for all ages! Time: 4-6 pm tour, activity and potluck dinner.   Guests welcome to arrive early and/or remain in park until closing at 8:00 pm.

Special Music Program: The Bolo Brothers

UU Casper welcomes Casper blues band The Bolo Brothers for a special music program inspired from the heart and offered with love and compassion; featuring original material, past favorites, and selected poetry and readings. Children will stay in the service this Sunday. Refreshments and conversation follow. Everyone is welcome!

Spiritual Journeys

“Now that I’m here, what the BLEEP am I going to do about it?” Three of our favorite UUs, Cindy Wright, Elizabeth Otto, and Athne Machdane will share their spiritual journeys and explore this question.

HIV: Love is the Cure

This presentation will share how stigma and fear have lead to the continuation of the spread of HIV/AIDS. We’ll discuss ways we can respond to our own feelings of vulnerability and fear when faced with a disease like this or anything else. Childcare and youth programming are available during the service, and refreshments and conversation follow. Everyone is welcome!

UU Casper New Member Service, followed by Annual Congregational Meeting

As part of the UU Casper “Care N Share” program, this is a “Share the Plate” Sunday benefiting Casper’s Murie Audubon Society, whose motto is “conservation through education.” Find out more about what Murie Audubon is doing in Wyoming at The UU Casper Annual Congregational meeting will follow the service. Childcare and youth programming are available. Everyone is welcome!

Guest Speaker Rebecca Hunt: The Circle Grows: Letting in the Light of Life

As the weather warms and the light returns we are going to circle back to help our lives return to a point of balance. This interactive service will help us plant the seeds of love and beauty in our lives. UU Casper is excited to welcome back guest speak Rebecca Hunt! Melody Haler will act as service leader. Childcare and youth programming are available during the service, and refreshments and conversation follow. Everyone is welcome!