Speaker: Annette Grochowski

Discussion Forum Sunday: “Silver Linings”

Annette Grochowski will lead a discussion forum on the monthly worship theme “Silver Linings.” A youth RE program and childcare are available during the service, and refreshments and conversation follow. Everyone is welcome! 

Annual UU Casper Water Communion

Waters of adventure, waters of peace, waters of joy, waters of struggle, waters of hope.Those who wish to are asked to bring water from (or symbolizing) a special place they have visited during their recent physical or spiritual journeys. The water will be poured into a common bowl to symbolize our diversity and unity, and to celebrate our coming together in a sharing, loving community. The annual UU Casper end-of-summer picnic will follow the service! A youth Religious Exploration program and childcare are available during the service. Everyone is welcome!

Discussion Forum: Theories of Belief

Annette Grochowski will facilitate a discussion forum on the July worship theme “Theories of Belief.”  A youth Religious Exploration program and childcare are available during the service, and refreshments and conversation follow. Everyone is welcome!

Discussion Forum Sunday: “Acceptance”

Annette Grochowski will lead a discussion forum on the June worship theme “Acceptance.”

A youth RE program and childcare are available during the service, and refreshments and conversation follow.

Through June 2018, as part of UU Casper’s Care N Share program, we will be collecting monetary and dog or cat food donations for the Casper Humane Society. Also, after the service we will begin collecting donations for next Saturday’s (June 30th) Yard Sale.

Discussion Forum: “Mindfulness”

Join in this discussion forum Sunday service to explore the theme of mindfulness.

As part of our UU Casper Care N Share Program, everyone is encouraged to bring cereal or household items to services and other UU Casper events through March to donate to Seton House. For suggestions, see the list on the Care N Share table in the sanctuary.

The Path Taken

Nancy Wayte and Jani Van Deusen will present “The Path Taken.” Annette Grochowski, service leader.

Everyone is encouraged to bring a can of soup to donate to Food for Thought to help fill weekend food bags distributed to school children in Natrona County.

Annual Water Communion Service

Annette Grochowski will lead our annual Water Communion service. The Water Communion was first used at a Unitarian Universalist service in the 1980s. It celebrates “coming together” from our many journeys, physical and spiritual. Participants are encouraged to bring to the service a small amount of water from a place that is special to them. During the appointed time in the service, people one by one pour their water together into a large bowl. As the water is added, the person who brought it tells why this water is special to them. The combined water can symbolize different things to different people: our shared faith coming from many different sources, our principle of world community with peace and justice for all, or recognizing water’s role in our interdependent web of all existence.

Reason and Science: Discussion Forum

Unitarian Universalism draws from many sources, and values what we have to learn from the use of reason and the results of science. Join in this discussion forum of our monthly worship theme.