Archives: Services

Valuing Diversity: The UU Casper Mandala Project, Part II

Continuing our exploration of the inspiration behind each mandala displayed at the back of the sanctuary and how the set is a reflection of our shared values. Youth programming and childcare are available, and conversation and refreshments follow the service. Everyone is welcome!

Waters of Faith – Valuing Diversity Through the Divine Feminine

Guest speaker Libby Tedder Hugus joins us again, this time with an autobiographical reflection on how becoming a mother has connected her to the well-watered-womb of the divine. Can holding space for the divine-feminine; just like a mother holds physical space for her child, help us to value diversity in greater capacity? Youth programming and childcare are available, and conversation and refreshments follow the service. Everyone is welcome!

Valuing Diversity: The UU Casper Mandala Project, Part I

Drawing Inspiration from Many Different Faith Traditions:   A Unitarian Universalist Story     

by, Rev. Leslie Kee


Until William Ellery Channing delivered what is considered to be the most important Unitarian sermon ever preached anywhere, diversity was not a defining feature of Unitarianism. Historically, Unitarian theology differed … read more.

Women’s Suffrage in Wyoming

Guest speaker and Casper College history instructor Dr. Tanis Lovercheck-Saunders will speak on “Women’s Suffrage in Wyoming” in honor of this year’s 150th anniversary celebration. Youth programming and childcare are available, and conversation and refreshments follow the service. Everyone is welcome!

Discussion Forum Sunday: Open Hearts

We’ve all heard the phrase “open-hearted,” but could this be a spiritual quality we can apply to daily life? Is an open heart related to an open mind? Is it possible to be too open-hearted? And how does this concept connect to UU Principles and Purposes and the leadership covenant of UU Casper? Join in a lively discussion of these questions and more as we explore the idea of living with an open heart–and see a clip from the new movie “The Peanut Butter Falcon!” Child care is available, and our primary age RE youth will begin Signs of Our Faith, Session 2 “We Lead.” Everyone is welcome!

Saturday Earth-Centered Service at Crimson Dawn: Mabon – The Second Harvest

Self-guided museum tours and hiking at 4 pm, potluck at 5 pm, and meditation/devotional activity at 6 pm. Following on our Lughnasadh celebration, the first harvest festival in the sabbat calendar, we will continue to celebrate the themes of harvest and dive deeper into the esoteric and personal meanings of harvesting in our lives and community. Please remember to bring water and jackets, and blankets are recommended to cover the log benches at the Theater.  Everyone is welcome, including well-behaved and leashed pets. Those who wish to may bring a covered dish to share at the potluck dinner.

Annual Water Communion Service

Waters of adventure, waters of peace, waters of joy, waters of struggle, waters of hope.Those who wish to are asked to bring water from (or symbolizing) a special place they have visited during their recent physical or spiritual journeys. The water will be poured into a common bowl to symbolize diversity and unity, and to celebrate coming together in a sharing, loving community. The RE kids will stay in for this service. Childcare is available during the service. Everyone is welcome!

Celebrating the Legacy of James Reeb – Compassion in Action

Come hear the story of UU minister Reverend James Reeb, who grew up in Casper and was tragically killed in 1965 in Selma, Alabama, while protesting in support of voting rights. Let’s also celebrate the completion of the downtown Casper James Reeb Memorial Mural and honor the people whose vision and hard work made it a reality. Youth programming is available, and conversation and refreshments follow the service. Everyone is welcome!