Archives: Services

India – A Land of Contrasts

During this service, we will explore prominent religions and social issues in India, as observed through a Western lens. Presented by Janet de Vries and Leanne Woodfill.

Through June 2018, as part of UU Casper’s Care N Share program, we will be collecting monetary and dog or cat food donations for the Casper Humane Society.

Special Saturday Earth-Centered Service: Beltane Festival

This Celtic May Day festival welcomes summer and celebrates love and passion’s fire. The festival will include a Beltane ceremonial, a May Pole, music, dancing, fellowship and merry making with a welcoming and diverse community. Join in! For more information, email, or call Laura at 307-259-4469.

Earth Day 2018 – The World Within Us

In this Earth Day Service, we will explore our 7th Principle, the interconnected web of all existence of which we are a part. We inhale, and exhale, again and again countless times every day.  Inhale…at what point does air become breath? Exhale…when does breath become simply air? We are of the earth, and the earth is in us.  “What we do to each other and to our world, we do to ourselves.” During this service we’ll explore that statement, and the ambiguity and paradox we face when we try to apply it in our day to day lives when we try to figure out how to live in ways that respect the interdependent web of all existence, and when we try to figure out ways to help protect our precious earth. Click on the service title for a link to the full presentation text.

Mirror the Foreigner

Guest speaker, Pastor Libby Hugus, will present “Mirror the Foreigner” from the Christian gospel of Luke 10:25-37. Mother Theresa said “if we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.”

Pastor Hugus visits us from The Table, a Casper religious community of  “doubters + disciples together… a new missional community gathering for the practice of inclusive Christianity.”

Annual Flower Communion

Originally created in 1923 by Unitarian minister Norbert Capek of Prague, Czechoslovakia, the Flower Communion is an annual ritual that celebrates beauty, human uniqueness, diversity, and community. In this ceremony, everyone in the congregation brings (or is given) a flower. Each person places a flower on the altar or in a shared vase. The congregation blesses the flowers, and they’re redistributed. Each person brings home a different flower than the one they brought.

Discussion Forum: “Mindfulness”

Join in this discussion forum Sunday service to explore the theme of mindfulness.

As part of our UU Casper Care N Share Program, everyone is encouraged to bring cereal or household items to services and other UU Casper events through March to donate to Seton House. For suggestions, see the list on the Care N Share table in the sanctuary.

Court of the Rising Spring

We work the magick of springtime on behalf of our beloved community. Empowered by love and compassion, we open our hearts, minds and spirits to rebirth, renewal and regeneration. Rev. Leslie Kee and Athne Machdane, service leaders.

As part of our UU Casper Care N Share Program, everyone is encouraged to bring cereal or household items through March to donate to Seton House. For household items suggestions, see the list on the Care N Share table in the sanctuary.

Special Saturday Earth-Centered Service: Ostara – the Awakening of Spring

A special earth-centered service, Ostara – the Awakening of Spring, will be held Saturday, March 17th at 2:00 pm. Ostara is a celebration of the awakening of springtime in our minds, bodies and spirits as well as the turning of the seasons in the physical world.  The service will feature a brief discussion of the vernal equinox, associated festivals and the origins of common modern Easter traditions, followed by eclectic Pagan ceremonial invoking the Elements and springtime Goddess forms from around the world.  We’ll also enjoy participatory devotional activities, music and dancing, and light refreshments.  Wear your favorite bright springtime colors! Service leader Athne Machdane.

Mindfulness: Not Empty-Headed

As part of our UU Casper Care N Share Program, everyone is encouraged to bring cereal or household items to services and other UU Casper events through March to donate to Seton House. For suggestions, see the list on the Care N Share table in the sanctuary

Humor and Spirituality: Partners in Grace

A re-awakening to the religious must include a special recognition of laughter.  In healthy laughter at ourselves we abandon false dignity, false pride, and simply accept and enjoy whatever we are.  Laughter is a sign of grace; not the decoration on the cake of spirituality but a fundamental ingredient, vital to our spirituality.

Click on the service title for a link to the full text.