Archives: Services

Online Sunday Service: Water Communion

The annual water communion serves as an opportunity to consider the importance of water in our lives, and to our world. You are invited to submit a photo or video prior to the service or offer live commentary during the service to share what water symbolizes or means to you. Click on the service title to find out more. Everyone is welcome!

Online Sunday Service: Of Spiders and Webs: Being Interconnected

We’ll consider the literal and figurative aspects of spiders, the webs they spin, and the webs we find ourselves ins. The UU congregations in Laramie and Casper are collaborating on Sunday services. Click on “Attend an Online Service” on the main menu for information about how to join the service on Zoom. Everyone is welcome!

Online Sunday Service: The Blessings of Animals

Join as we celebrate the blessings animals bring to our lives: the beloved pets in our homes as well as the animals we find in our neighborhoods and Wyoming’s wild spaces. The UU congregations in Laramie and Casper are collaborating on Sunday services. Click on “Attend an Online Service” on the main menu for information about how to join the service on Zoom. Everyone is welcome!

Online Sunday Service: The Age of Truthiness

UUFL will present “The Age of Truthiness,” which is defined as the belief in what you feel to be true rather than what the facts will support. Ken Chestek, Jeff Lockwood and Linda Meeker will explore this idea in the realms of politics, science and social science. The UU congregations in Laramie and Casper are collaborating on Sunday services. Click on “Attend an Online Service” on the main menu for information about how to join the service on Zoom. Everyone is welcome!

Online Sunday Service: Embracing Your Personal Truth

Embracing Your Personal Truth

by Elizabeth Jo Otto

The quality or state of being true…

Veracity; sincerity in action, character, and utterance; genuinenessAgreement with that which is represented; correspondence to reality; verisimilitude / ver-ə-sə-ˈmi-lə-ˌtüd /Conformity to rule; exactness; correctness

The body of real things, events, and facts : … read more.

Online Sunday Service-Books With Impact

The UU congregations in Laramie and Casper are collaborating on Sunday services. UU Laramie’s Barbara Bogart led this service, designed as an interactive program where participants will share the titles of books that have had an impact on them.

More than 30 participants shared their … read more.

Online Sunday Service: New Ways to Hug

Michelangelo said “To touch can give life.” Research has shown this is literally true by documenting the positive benefits of touch on our health and well being. We will share ideas for achieving meaningful connections in our new “hug deprived” reality. Contact service leader Laura Gossman if you have ideas to share!
The UU congregations in Laramie and Casper are collaborating on Sunday services. Click on “Attend an Online Service” on the main menu for information about how to join the service on Zoom. Everyone is welcome! See you Sunday!