Topic: Special Service

Special Online Earth-Centered Service: A Winter Night’s Calling: Honoring of the Ancestors

Halloween, All Hallows Eve, Samhain… October 31st is the day that the veil between worlds is thinnest making it the night easiest to communicate with the Otherworld. You are invited to join us for this Samhain Ritual Circle. Click on “Attend an Online Service” on the main menu for information about how to join the service on Zoom. Everyone is welcome!

Special Online Saturday Earth Centered Service: Garden of the Dancing Bee

Live broadcast and accompanying self-guided ritual practice of ceremonial flower planting for use in home and community gardens. Planting flowers provides nourishment for bees and other pollinators for their vital work in nature. Ritual will include original music recordings, meditation and visualization practices and a mantra invocation of Bhramari, a Vedic Goddess associated with bees. Join us in Zoom room 459 187 0381. For security purposes, Zoom events now require a password. Click on “Attend an Online Service” on the main menu for more information.

Click on the service title above for what you can do before the ritual, and a link to the Self-Guided Ritual.

Special Saturday Earth-Centered Service: Imbolc

Imbolc—Festival of the Eternal Flame.  Embark upon a journey with Brighid — Fire Goddess of healing, poetry, smithcraft — to  stoke the eternal flame of love, inspiration and passion within and empower our work as co-creators.

Special Saturday Earth-Centered Service: Winter Solstice Celebration

Inanna’s Seven Gates: Embark on an inward journey with Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth and Her sister Ereshkigal, Queen of Shadows, descending into the depths of our own psyche to shed the residue and trappings of our lives which no longer serve us. Find within ourselves the water of life – love and compassion – and arise through its transformative magick. Everyone is welcome!

Saturday Earth-Centered Service at Crimson Dawn: Mabon – The Second Harvest

Self-guided museum tours and hiking at 4 pm, potluck at 5 pm, and meditation/devotional activity at 6 pm. Following on our Lughnasadh celebration, the first harvest festival in the sabbat calendar, we will continue to celebrate the themes of harvest and dive deeper into the esoteric and personal meanings of harvesting in our lives and community. Please remember to bring water and jackets, and blankets are recommended to cover the log benches at the Theater.  Everyone is welcome, including well-behaved and leashed pets. Those who wish to may bring a covered dish to share at the potluck dinner.

Special Saturday Earth Centered Service: Lughnasadh – Beginning the Harvest

This special Saturday earth-centered service will be held at Crimson Dawn Park on Casper Mountain.   We’ll enjoy a guided tour of Crimson Dawn museum followed by a potluck picnic dinner and sage gathering activity.  Athne Machdane will be our service leader.  Bring a dish to share, and remember to bring water and a small basket or container for sage sprigs.  No glass containers, alcohol or smoking, pets must be leashed. Great for all ages! Time: 4-6 pm tour, activity and potluck dinner.   Guests welcome to arrive early and/or remain in park until closing at 8:00 pm.